Document Scanning Services by New York Document Scanning
Request a free no obligation Scanning Services and Cad Services Quote. New York Document Scanning Services
Affordable! Scanning Services providing company
Quotes - Letter & Legal size documents
Please complete the form below, in order that we may provide you with an estimate for your scanning project. Amounts and percentages can be estimated. We will prepare a free quotation based on the information that you have provided to us. Please be as accurate as possible.
Approximate Number of Pages:
Single-sided:   %
Double-sided:  %
What is the overall condition of the original documents?
Document SizesQuantity
Letter (8.5" x 11")
Legal (8.5" x 14")
B Size (11" x 17")
Other - Please Specify
Output Format
TIFF PDF Image Only PDF OCR (Searchable) DOC (OCR to MS Word) Other Format
DPI Required
200 DPI 300 DPI 400 DPI Other DPI
Data Storage
CD-R DVD-R    Number of copies:
Please check all that accurately describe your documents.
Heavyweight/thick paper
Lightweight/onion skin paper
Small text
Non-standard sizes
Bound (e.g., books)
Torn/damaged (hand-feed)
Basic preparation
(remove staples, repair turned, corners, unfold)
Advanced preparation
(sort pages, structure files, purge)
Reassembly of Source Documents
Do not reassemble documents
On-site Scanning
Which of the following best describes the required indexing? Choose one.

Each page is a stand-alone record; indexing by page.
Pages are organized into documents; indexing is by document.
Pages are organized into documents and documents into folders; indexing is by folder and by document.
Other (Please describe in additional comments)
Please estimate the number of records (documents and folders) For example, a folder containing 10 reports that need to remain separate is considered 10 documents. A single 500-page report is considered 1 document.
Please detail any specific requirements or information that you need:
Contact Information: 
* Required 
Please call me to discuss estimate

Request Quote  

Document Scanning and Document Imaging Company New York - New Jersey - Philadelphia
Copyright © 2004-2007 | New York Document Scanning
540 39th Street, Box 36, Union City, New Jersey 07087
Phone: 646-706-7032